Third-Party Reproduction

Help with donor egg decision

Hi everyone. I hope it's okay that I post this on here but I need some insight. I found out today that our attempt at IVF was a big failure. After being on a microdose lupron protocol with 300 iu gonal f and 300 iu menopur for 7 days I now only have one follicle. My responses to meds has been less and less each cycle we have done and I'm worried my ovaries are shutting down. At what point did you decide it was time to move on to donor eggs? I hate to put tons of money into more IVF cycles but I don't want to regret anything down the road. Is it worth it to try more iui's while I'm still producing eggs (even if its just 1?) 
TTC Since May 2011
29 yrs. old w/ DOR & LPD: Highest FSH 30, AMH <0.16, low antral follicle count <br> 8/23/11: BFP#1, EDD 5/2/12, mm/c, D&C 10/4/11
IUI#1 w/ Clomid, Trigger, and Crinone: BFP 9/12/12, EDD 5/24/13, mm/c 10/13/12, Testing done = Trisomy 16
IUI#2 w/ 225iu Gonal-F, Trigger, and Crinone: BFN
IUI#3 w/ 300iu Gonal-F, Trigger, and Crinone: BFN
IUI#4 w/ 300iu Gonal-F, Trigger, Prometrium: BFN
IUI#5: TBD....looking into IVF options
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