
Cute lunch check-in

No holidays this month! It's nice to have a theme to work with, but it's also fun to make whatever comes to mind as I'm trying to make lunch, after-school snack and dinner all at the same time, while also tending to a clingy toddler and a big kid who doesn't ever stop talking. :)

One last post-Easter lunch. There's a little "fruit salad" on the left with strawberries, grapes and blueberries. On the right is a (very obviously hand-cut) Easter basket PB/honey sandwich cut from an egg. I threw in a few peanut M&Ms for effect and some Snapea Crisps along the bottom.

Princess pig! This hodge-podge lunch has strawberries and blueberries, some chicken balls on a pick, apple slices in a silicone, PB/honey sandwich and a container with a few Annie's chewy bunnies. Cute but random. :)

The raindrop who didn't want to get wet. I love this one! On the bottom tier are apples, tomatoes, blueberries, carrots and a container with 2 M&Ms. On the right are more blueberries, a strawberry wearing a baseball cap, and a PB/honey sandwich with cheese and pick details.

Ribbit! While not necessarily the cutest thing I've ever made, this lunch is nice because except for the little silicone leaves (which were totally unnecessary), this lunch was made with no special tools. The box is a Tupperware sandwich box. Puzzle sandwich cutter (I've seen similar ones at the grocery store). The frogs are cupcake toppers and the pick is homemade (toothpick with a Post-It flag taped to it). The silicone cups are from World Market and Marshall's. PB/honey sandwich, strawberries, pretzel sandwiches, blueberries and a Babybel cheese.

The only thing cute here is the strawberry container! Even though she asks for a PB/honey sandwich daily, for the last few days, DD hasn't been eating them until after school. I decided to get up early and make her a batch of Annie's bunny-roni and cheese in the hopes that she'd eat her main dish and not be famished by the end of the day. On the side is a small fruit salad of strawberries and blueberries, with a few carrots and a container of raisins.

It didn't take that much work to send her to school with a hot lunch. I boiled the noodles and drained the water into the Thermos. I put the lid on the Thermos while I finished the rest of the macaroni and assisted with breakfast. When the mac & cheese with finished, I emptied the Thermos, refilled it with the finished product and sent DD on her merry way.

PIP your cute lunches here! Have a great week!

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