3rd Trimester

Calling all Daycare Mommas

I was called the other day by my DD's daycare informing me that they indeed have a spot available for our unborn DS who is due on 6/3.  Their "Move Up" date however is 6/10 which frees an Infant spot for our DS then.  Instead of making us pay tuition starting on 6/10 they're pushing it to July 1st to cut us a break.  Ummm he'll only be 4 weeks then if he's born on time.  So essentially we're going to pay for his tuition before he's even legally allowed to attend daycare.  (Note:  He'll be attending at 6 weeks old)... I just don't get it.  Has anyone run into this?  When I registered our DD for daycare to start at 6 weeks old, the Registration Fee I paid held her spot.  I never had to pay for her tuition until she actually attended! 
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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