3rd Trimester

Blood Sugar question

I am currently 30W3D- when I took the 1hr glucose test I failed by 1 point so my doc had me do the extended test. Well I TRIED to do the extended test but was only able to keep the drink down for 5 min. Since I couldn?t keep the drink down, her plan was to do random fasting blood drawls to see if I did really have gestational diabetes. I also have hypothyroidism (currently taking 200mcg a day). My doc was worried about my levels and sent me to see a maternal fetal specialist- I saw him 2 days ago. He is worried because I have 31centimeters of amniotic fluid around the baby and the baby?s body was measuring at 33W6D- both of which he said could be caused by gestational diabetes. He had me get a glucose monitor and is having me test 4 times a day (in the morning before I eat, & 2 hours after breakfast, lunch, & dinner). My goal number for when I wake up is 90- today I was at 84, my goal number for after each meal is 120- after breakfast I was at 73. He told me to call him if my numbers were really high and they would see me right away, but did not mention what to do if my numbers were low. How low is too low? I don?t know if I should be concerned and call him or if I should just wait until Friday next week when I see him again? Any advice?

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