
4 year old DDs eating habits are making me nuts.

My soon to be 4.5 year old DD is very picky and has been since about age 2.5.  Here lately it's gotten worse, I will make her things she likes for dinner and sometimes she still wont eat, and then she's hungry later or asking for other things than what I make.  As it is I specially cook for her, sometimes making her different things than I make myself.  I feel like I am spoiling her too much but getting her to eat what I fix lately can sometimes be like pulling teeth.  I refuse to feed her chicken nuggets everynight like she would eat if she were given her way.  I don't want to give her the message that it's okay to waste the food that I've made for her but then I always feel guilty when she's hungry between meals.  Lately I have been giving her fruit or yogurt between meals if shes hungry.  I'm starting to think I should probably start being more strict that either eat her dinner or go hungry until breakfast.  She is not underweight so that isn't an issue.  How do you ladies handle this type of situation?
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