3rd Trimester

struggling with Low Blood Sugar?

Is anyone else having this problem? I have always been slightly hypoglycemic....but in pregnancy---especially these past few weeks, it has become severe. I was sent home from work today because I became extremely jittery, lightheaded and queasy while teaching. I ended up vomiting. But--the thing is....this happens even after I've been eating and snacking throughout the day (and during the night, as well---I wake up in my sleep). 

I went to the doctor as soon as I left work....and of course, my sugars tested low. But--my bp was elevated, as well. Probably because of being so anxious about the whole ordeal. In any case, doctor sent me home to rest for a "couple of days."

I'm getting frustrated with this because, aside from feeling really crummy, I've already gained 30lbs at 33 weeks---thank God that baby is looking really good with heart rate, size, etc. But---I'm packing on weight quickly with 7 weeks left to go---there's no reason for my body to be so famished.

Anyone else struggling with blood sugar? Sorry for the long vent. 


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