3rd Trimester

Potential issue w/ MIL and breastfeeding

When I say potential what I really mean is "this is definitely going to happen". My MIL is coming to stay with us for about 10 days after LO is born. I am generally happy about this because she is obsessed with DD and I know with MIL there DD won't be totally neglected in those first few days. I also generally like my MIL even though she does a million things that irritate me. Anyways, MIL didn't breastfeed DH or my BIL. She chose to not breastfeed because she didn't really understand it, it was the 80s and I feel like FF was way more popular, and ultimately because I think MIL is prudish. She is very averse to boobs, nudity, etc... Anyways, I had a boatload of problems breastfeeding DD and I ended up going to extreme lengths to be an EP, which I am happy that I did. But, right after DD was born and the problems were emerging, and all through the year I was EPing, she made a lot of comments that indicated her lack of understanding of breastfeeding, like "I've heard that breast milk constipates babies", and "Aren't you embarrassed to pump?" Whatever. So, when she is staying with us, and I am sitting on my couch with my boob out trying to breastfeed LO2, I know she will make some kind of comment about HER being uncomfortable, or won't I be more comfortable in the bedroom, isn't it bad for DD to see me, etc...My plan is to breastfeed wherever I want in our house, so how should I respond when she is doing this, because I know this will irritate me 1000x more than normal when I'm 5 days post-partum. TIA!
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