Third-Party Reproduction

The who, how and why's - Poll

Just out of curiosity...

 Who did you let know about your IF? Did you give details of using a third party? and if not why? or if yes why did you tell them?

2011-2012 Races
10/29/11 LA RockNRoll Min Half (5K) 42:58
12/4/11 Vegas RockNRoll Half 3:14:53
1/7/12 WDW Half 3:13:42
1/15/12 RnR AZ 2:55:27 (PR!!)
1/29/12 Tinkerbell 1/2 3:22:37 (To many picture stops!lol)
Me:32 DH:33
IFV w/ DE Only Option (On Hold For Now)
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