Third-Party Reproduction

How to make a sticky at top of page?

Does anyone know how to request a post to become a sticky at the top of this page? It might be helfpul to have a sticky with a list of donor embryo resources all listed in one place for easy access / reference.

Another related question - Once a sticky is made, can it be updated at a later date? I would like to be able to edit the sitcky post to add new resources as needed.

As a side note - It may be helpful for other 3rd party options / topics to also have a sticky note and that would be great if it would be helpful for those areas too. I don't want to exclude other sticky post options!! That is not my intent!!!! I'm just focused on donor embyro personally and would like to work on posting info on that topic. However, if someone else wants to create a sticky about another 3rd party option, please do so!!!!

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