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Anyone watch Kou.rt.ney and Ki.m Take Mia.mi? DE related

Spoiler alert for those who didn't watch this week yet.



I was really annoyed when Ki.m was talking about freezing her eggs otherwise she might have to use donor eggs. The look on her face as she said that and the tone in her voice infuriated me!  Oh, the horror of having to use donor eggs! 

This show is doing the IF world no favors between the wicked misinformation and overall bad attitudes.  It's as if IF makes her special and is a reason to shower her with attention. So offensive to those of us with real issues.  Also, the entire discussion between Ko.urt.ney and Scott about the possibility of Kou.rtney being a GC for Kh.loe was disgusting.  No real reason for this post other than to vent.  

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