3rd Trimester

contraction with horrible backpain

I am 37wks and this is my 4th child. I have never gone into labor on my own so im a little unsure of what to expect. I was induced with all of my others b/c they were late. However monday i saw ob and i was 2cm and 70% effaced which i know doesnt mean much since i could stay that way for the next 3weeks+ but i have been having braxton hicks regularly but not more than 10-15mins together then they space then come back to that. but not getting closer however while at work about 30mins ago I got a braxton hick and horrible back pain with it. to the point where i couldnt talk and had to stand up in my office and move around in an effort to help myself. it lasted about 1-2mins and came down, i had this feeling like i needed to have a bowel movement as well. it was so weird. i was sweating like crazy as well. I work in a school so i took a bit of a walk and during the walk i got back pain again but not nearly as severe and it hasnt happened since. Should i be concerned or do you think it was just a freak thing? i called dh and told him i was going to head home about a 1/2 hr early from work to try to relax.. but im wondering if this is a sign that something is really happening.. ob said they were going to take the baby in 2weeks if things didnt go on their own, so i dont want to call dr office yet if this is nothing.. hmmm
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