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Need a man's opinion (sex-related)

Sorry to invade your board, but I desperately need some male insight in regard to a situation.  My husband of three years and I have had virtually no sex-life since our son was born.  Our son is now 11 months old and we probably have maybe 5 times since he was born.  The lack of desire is 100% on him and I would prefer that we be intimate at least 2x a week.  This all started when I found out that I was pregnant (we had a great sex life before and he was the first to say this).  I expected things to change after the birth, but no :( We have had a lot going on in our lives (he was out of work for 8 months just before getting pregnant, he is now working at a new stressful job 70+ hours a week, etc.), but I would think there would be some desire to be intimate with your partner.  He is never interested and almost seems annoyed when I suggest it.  He is always too stressed, tired, not feeling well, etc.  I have also not "let myself go" at all since giving birth and have lost all baby weight plus 15 lbs (currently weigh 115).  I am hypervigilant on always looking good because of this situation (i.e. don't just wear mom jeans or yoga pants LOL).

I just don't get the sense anything is going to change. When he was working less, there was still no sex.  I try to talk to him about it, and he gets angry that I am bringing it up. We have had many fights about the situation and actually two counseling sessions, but nothing has changed. I know there isn't a physical problem as I have walked in on him watching porn 2x during the last 1.5 years. I just feel so saddened by the situation. I don't want my son to grow up in a broken home, but I don't know how I can be in a sexless marriage for the next 50 years (I'm 30 and he is 40).

 Anyone have any insight into this situation? Can you really be so stressed/tired that you have zero desire to be with your partner. I honestly feel now he sees me as just a mother and now has no desire to be sexual with me.

(Just as an FYI, I've done a lot of work confirming whether he could be having an affair and I can't find any info to indicate he is) 

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