3rd Trimester

Meltdown reposted from high risk board

I have been being monitored closely since the beginning due to existing blood pressure and kidney issues. Now, at 30 weeks I have been diagnosed with preeclampsia. I was given steroid shots for babys lungs to develop more quickly and put on bed rest when not working. I work in an office, have no maternity leave, and am not on my feet...otherwise it would have been strict bedrest. I am terrified. I have read some strange "remedies" for helping to reverse some of the symptoms...17 eggs a day for 3 days and a gallon and a half of milk in that time frame...yikes!. I do know that the only "cure" is delivery. I wanted to see if anyone here has any advice for toughing it out or helping with the proteinuria or BP? Thanks ladies! Just feeling overwhelmed and lost right now...
Dx with PCOS in 2004; TTC #1 since 2006. 6 failed rounds of Clomid, 1 failed round of injectibles, innumerable failed cycles of herbs, accupuncture, etc. FINALLY got BFP on 10/4/2012 after 2 rounds of Femara Can't wait to be a mommy! Pregnancy Ticker
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