3rd Trimester

Was told to get bag ready already!?

Had my appt today with the baby doc. He asked if I had my hospital bag ready yet. I replied, "no way! I'm only 31 weeks tomorrow!" He said, "you should get it ready now." I didn't pack my DD's bag until the day before my induction. This time around he said the baby may come on his own, and early so I need to be prepared. It was a definite wake up call! 
Married my BEST FRIEND on December 1, 2007. Started TTC in March 2008. Found out we were expecting our first child in October 2008 - but had a m/c in December 2008 - resulting in a d&e. Met with a RE in May 2009 and set a plan - but conceived unexpectedly on our own! Our precious little Sophia was born on February 9, 2010! Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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