Los Angeles Babies

Moving to LA area! Suggestions?

Hello ladies!
DH and I are going to be TTC in the Fall...around the same time we're moving from Minneapolis to the LA county area.  I've been offered a position as an MFT in a clinic that will be moving from Santa Monica to one of three locations in the Summer: Westside, Pasadena, or W. Los Angeles. I'm visiting this weekend to do some business and check out apartments/townhomes to rent until we can look into buying a home.  Any suggestions? Although it's limiting, we're looking into renting in the $1100-1500 price range but we want to be living in a safe neighborhood.

We used to live in Whittier while I was getting my undergrad, but didn't really venture farther north very often.  Any tips would be helpful :) TIA!

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