3rd Trimester

Tip-toeing in...

Hello! I know I won't be seeing some of you since you may be getting ready for your little bundles to arrive but I wanted to introduce myself. I am 27 weeks today with our daughter Aubrey (no middle name yet). I think my Dr. considers the 28th week third tri but I wanted to head over and scope it out. I am kind of excited to see all the labor posts! I have had a pretty easy pregnancy, but I think it's starting to catch up to me. I have always been small and my body is not handling all the extra weight that well. I keep thinking "she is only 2 pounds right now!". Luckily I am a teacher and school gets out in June so the last few weeks will be spent at home where I can relax. I am looking forward to taking this last step with all of you!

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