July 2013 Moms

Travelling with a Newborn

I think I know the answer to this... but... MIL is from Holland originally and is travelling there for an anniversary party that is on either Aug. 22 or 24 (can't remember which, but I know it's either the day before or after my anniversary) with FIL, SIL, possibly a cousin... So, they offered to pay for DH, Hunter and I to go as well. I think it's probably too soon for me to travel that far (I'm due July 23), especially if I go late or end up with any complications, c-section, etc. But... I thought I'd ask for some other opinions just to see. Giving up a free trip to Holland is killing me!

They did say we could wait and decide last minute. That way, if I go early, we could still go if we were feeling up to it. Still... Not sure...

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