3rd Trimester

OB, Pre-eclampsia vent

I hate to be one of those women who complains all the time, but I am so frustrated and just need to vent.  I am scheduled to have a repeat c-section next Monday, April 8.  3 years ago I had an emergency c-section with my daughter at 38 weeks due to severe pre-eclampsia.  So far this pregnancy has been without symptoms............until today.  I was up ALL night with contractions ranging from 3-5 minutes.  When I got up and walked around, they would slow to 10-20 minutes, but as soon as I laid back down they would start again.  I called my OB this morning to move my appointment up from 3:00 to 10:00.  Contractions had slowed to 20-30min by the time I got there, but I had a serious headache, face was swollen, and I just didn't feel well.

The doctor reprimanded me and said that if I am having consistent contractions I need to go into the hospital immediately because they don't want my uterus to rupture (NO ONE in the office has warned me of this prior).  My BP was elevated to 150/90..........not drastic, I know, but I have been hanging out around 120/70 for the rest of the pregnancy.  She then tells me to go home and do a 24 hour urine sample and come back on Thursday.  If contractions are consistently 5min again, go to the hospital. 

All of this sounds normal, but I am just so exhausted and frustrated.  With my history of pre-eclampsia and the concern about contractions, why are they not just pushing up my c-section?  I'm 38.5 weeks.  I'm full term.  I was so sick by the time I had my daughter, it took months for me to get back to normal.  I want to be able to enjoy my newborn this time, and not be in a fog like I was last time. 

IAmPregnant Ticker
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