3rd Trimester

hit 200lbs...ugh.

Well, I'm officially depressed. This morning, the scale said 200. I started out at 167 so at almost 31 weeks I'm up 33lbs. I'm depressed. And tomorrow I have to see my OB - and he is SUPER strict about how much you gain. My midwife last appt wasn't concerned at all. Now I'm going to stress all day until my appt tomorrow. Ugh.
Married my BEST FRIEND on December 1, 2007. Started TTC in March 2008. Found out we were expecting our first child in October 2008 - but had a m/c in December 2008 - resulting in a d&e. Met with a RE in May 2009 and set a plan - but conceived unexpectedly on our own! Our precious little Sophia was born on February 9, 2010! Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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