
Winter Came

I loved it.

How'd you feel about the season opener?

Mance was just as I thought he'd be.  And I fell back in love with the actress who plays Ygritte.

The dinner exchange between Margery and Cersei was killer.  I particularly loved that Joffrey was just oblivious to all the undertones going on at the table.  What do you think about the extra sniveling that the actor's bringing to Joffrey this season?  I think it's a little too overdone for me, but we'll see how it goes as the season progresses.

I'm planning to keep this spoiler free, but I'll just say that they got to the Barristan Selmy reveal pretty quickly.  And poor Sir Jorah is quite afraid that his position will be usurped.  As he should, given the joy in Dany's eyes as she realized what was happening.

I already can't wait for next week.

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