3rd Trimester

How is there a bad MFM Dr?

Okit's not like it's easy to become an MFMyou have to be pretty good. My dr is out of town so I had to see someone else in their group 39 weeks 2 days and she was awful!! Waited for well over an hour, which isn't typical there...she was really rough with the ultrasound, to the point she was hurting me, and she said she wasn't going to do an internal exam because she could already tell from the U/S that nothing was going on....um...ok...so what's the point of internals then? It's not like they are fun!! Then, last week my dr said if baby hasn't come by this appt we would schedule induction for next week...which will be after my due date...and today they wouldn't schedule me!! I'm so frustrated!!!! And I had two out of three high BP readings but the nurse only wrote down the normal one. Shouldn't the dr know all
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