3rd Trimester

35 weeks baby hasn't turned yet

Hey ladies-

FTM here- just a few questions. Baby girl hasn't flipped yet. She is still head up and feet down. Ultrasound 2 weeks ago confirmed that followed by a check up last week.

If she decides to flip ,will I feel it? Will I know she has definitely turned head down? Do you think she will have room to flip on her own this late in pregnancy? Is this common?

Doctor said manually turning her is not an option bc my placenta is in the front. Could be dangerous for her.  A C-section have already been discussed. I am fine with any delivery method - as long as baby girl is safe. :)  

Is it likely that I will have a c-section since she hasn't turned yet?

Thanks for helping! I am clueless and learning as I go.:)


TTC since October 2011 Diagnosed with IF April 2012 IVF #1 August 2012 Positive Beta- August 28, 2012 :)BabyFruit Ticker
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