TTC after 35

long-timer check in

Hello ladies!

Congrats to the ladies (10-4 & irishgirl) who have successfully moved on to PG 35+!  Big hugs and lots of luck to those who are still waiting on treatment cycles (happywife, Becky, brooklynesque, maybe others?)  And extra big hugs to everyone else who is in limbo.

What's the consensus on continuing the monthly check-in?  If people want to continue, I'm happy to keep posting, but it seems like most people have found nice soft places to land on other boards and/or facebook groups.

Other than that, what's new?

I've been trying to concentrate on the house and get things in order.  I'm a little worried that we will end up like Tom Hanks and Shelly Long in the Money Pit.  Yikes! 

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