Babies: 3 - 6 Months

XP: Toothpaste & Sunblock Recommendations??

What do you all do as far as mouth care for baby?  We haven't been doing anything, which makes me feel like a bit of a delinquent parent.  I've read some internet articles and consensus seems to say start before LO has teeth, ideally by 4 months of age.  DD turns 4 months on Tuesday, so I figure I should probably get my act together here!Any recommendations for training toothpaste/toothbrush brands?  I would tend toward something more natural (like Tom's of Maine or something similar) than just grabbing the Orajel brand right off the shelf from Target, but does it matter?  I would guess that it just needs to taste good so she doesn't fight me on it every single time! Also wondering about sunblock that doesn't have tons of chemicals... Any STMs have recommendations for brands that work well for their LOs? 
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