3rd Trimester

Popping over from first tri (medication question)

So I LITERALLY just found out were are expecting on Thursday night. No one was at my OB's office over the long weekend because of the holiday. I seem to have come down with a crappy cold with a mid-grade fever (100.9) over the weekend.  I am calling my OB's office tomorrow to set up a first appointment, but I haven't even met with him to have him give me the run-down that you need at your first appt./ultrasound. My question is, can I take Robitussin Night Time Peak Cold? Active ingredients are: Acetaminophen (for fever/aches)Diphenhydramine (Antihistamine/ cough suppressant)Phenylephrine (nasal decongestant)  I THINK they are all safe based on what I have read, and I really need to get some sleep tonight. I know you ladies know more than I do. I will certainly be calling my OB first thing to discuss and set up and appt. Thanks for your help! 
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