3rd Trimester

Im new to forums.. Really need support. Pregnant and third girl

Im having a really hard time lately. I say lately but its really been going on for a few years. First before i get into the specifics, my name is ashley and i am 6 months pregnant with my third girl. I love my girls and they are my life. I am married to the love of my life and even though it seems like a fairy tale dream. It is far from it lately. I just am having a hard time with my pregnancy this time around, going through a custody battle in 15 days and im so ready for it to be over. Not that im scared about the custody part but im trying to relocate to make more money, go to school and have family support since im having my third girl. On top of that my two year old is omg just such a terrible two girl and its frustrating to take her anywhere. I dont work at the moment so i get to stay home all the time with her and i go to school but online and some classes.. I think ive reached my boundry of sanity and just so overwhelmed. Need some advice. This whole experience is really hard of my family and its really becoming hard for my husband and i. We have even at times just felt to call it quits.. Not him he loves me too much.. But i get so stressed out and say things i dont mean. Feel like i am just loosing it and i need some friendly advice.. Ill explain more but want to see how this works. Ive never reached out for online support.. But in the end i know what i have is amazing but i need to figure out a balance with me.. Just me..
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