
Irrationally worried head bump

I hate head injuries. They make me so nervous. My daughter didn't sleep well last night and because of that combined with no nap yesterday made her super clumsy today. About 30 minutes before I was going to put her in for a nap, she was crawling under a desk to get something and stood up before she was out from under it and banged her head. She cried for like 5 minutes, no bump, cut, bruise or anything. We watched a little tv, read a book and put her in for a nap 40 minutes later. She passed out, but now I am a super nervous about her banging her head. I know I will be checking the monitor every 2 minutes during nap time and not getting anything done. 

 I know she is just super exhausted for yesterday and last night, and that is why she fell asleep so quickly but I am still irrationally worried.

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