3rd Trimester

So I tell my OB "that hurts" and she pushes harder, why?

It really makes me mad because some doctors actually care and try to be gentle... and move the heartbeat monitor somewhere else (since they can STILL hear it perfectly fine in another spot on my belly). 

So why do some other doctors just not give a flying squirrell and push harder? Next time it happens, I think Im going to ask them.. "I tell you it hurts and you continue to push there, what the hell!" 

I just dont get it. It hurt REALLY bad last time...would if it was the babys head or something and her you know what just keeps pushing harder! Its funny because its always the doctors with the cold personalities who do this.  Its like if youre not a baby person or even have a friendly personality at the least, why are you in this field? Its bad enough we have to come there 110% vulnerable. At least show a little compassion!

Are some docs just being jerks? They could at least TRY another spot like the others! Theyre friendly and exited about baby and show that they HEAR me when I say OUUUUCHHHH that REALLLLLY hurts! 

Sorry for the rant, any one else experience this? :( 

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