3rd Trimester

Second time moms

Just wondering for second time moms, is there anything you recommend for sure having on hand/having set up those first couple weeks, especially on the chance you might have a c-section (my baby is breech at last appt)?  Hubby and I are in an apartment trying to buy a house, so we've packed what we can and only plan to have baby stuff set up.  We live on third floor so getting up and down stairs, especially if c-section is not going to be easy at first. My husband is very good about things like grocery shopping & helping cook, but there are some things I just prefer to do myself. 

 I'm assuming nursing bras/pads, pads in the event it's not a c-section, diapers, bed,  maybe formula/bottles if breast feeding isn't going well.  We got most of the typical stuff at our shower & plan to unpack it all and set up this weekend. I just feel like I'm missing something.  


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