
Separation anxiety vs sep anxiety disorder....

My healthy 3 1/2 year old all of a sudden is afraid of going to sleep by himself at night. I don't know if in on the right board but I am at my wits end. All my friends seem to think just bringing him to bed wi me will bnfine and to just do it. But I really don't want too! I have another child who is two and I can't have four us in bed or I will really get no sleep. I have tried sticker charts, positive name it. My hubby and I have both been sleeping on the floor in his room and recently got I'm to agree for us to wait outside his bedroom door until he falls asleep which is a big step however when he wakes up, around 1 am he screams bloody murder and won't let us go back to our beds...he told us he wants us to sleep outside the door all night. Last night inlet him come to our room and sleep on the floor at 3am because I couldn't sit there with him past two hours. Both my hubby and I work so we really need our sleep. Any advice?

from a forever tired mom...... 

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