
Agency Choices

Hi Everyone!

I have been doing tons of research and have gathered as much information as my mind can handle up to this point.  We are now trying to figure out which agency we should choose.

We could go with a bigger agency that does about 160 placements a year or we could go with a smaller, more intimate agency that does about 15-20 placements a year.  I know the director of the smaller agency and my husband and I both feel really comfortable there.  If we go with the smaller agency, we might be able to set up with another agency out of state if we can afford the fees upfront (trying to find one with low upfront fees). 

I am leaning toward the smaller agency, but I am just nervous that we might be limiting ourselves (unless we try to sign up with more than one).  Has anyone signed up with more than one agency at a time?  Are we limiting ourselves if we sign up with the smaller agency?

Sorry if I am rambling. Thank you!!

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