3rd Trimester

Breast-Feeding moms, how did you get over sharing your breasts with hubby AND baby?

I'm considering breast feeding, but I just cant get over how weird it would be sharing something so intimate between my husband and I, with my child.  Yes, yes, I know... they were MADE for baby and its natural. However, whether we like it or not, society has sexualized breasts and thats just how it is.


So how do you cope with sharing them so sexually intimately and then with your *baby's mouth*? Its not like two completely different parts of your body (a part for hub and then baby feeds off a different part of your body - they're the same thing here.)


Any words of advice or wisdom?  Thanks in advance and good luck with your pregnancies!!! :) 


PS. no one get your panties in a bunch, Im asking for help here!! 

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