3rd Trimester

Decreased/not feeling movement?

I will start this post off by saying that I think I'm really just posting this to see if anyone has experienced the same and to really let my frustrations out since I have people IRL telling me 'don't worry'.

In the last week, I've noticed decreased movement. From what I've read, this is normal. We had a growth scan on Monday and baby was healthy and weighed in at a whopping 4lbs 12oz. I expressed my concern to my Dr. (MFM) about the decreased movement, he told me to count 10 movements in 24 hours. So that was the goal. Fine. Yesterday I ended up calling him because I hadn't really felt anything in 24 hours. He told me to go to L&D. I got there and they hooked me up to the fetal heart monitor and the heartbeat was good and strong at 143 BPM. They then conducted another US (which was really cool because we got to see it on this big overhead flat screen TV/monitor). They were looking for a certain number of movements, muscle tone, and practice breaths. Ladies, my kid is lazy. After about an hour of staring at the screen, we finally got the number of movements and practice breaths we needed. Note: While we saw the movements on the screen, I never really felt them.

In the end, I was told that everything looks fine and they sent me home. I guess my issue is that I am scared out of my mind. My only reassurance over the past few months/weeks has been movement, and now I don't even have that. I do have appointments every week now, so I will get some reassurance from those. But those 6 days in between are going to be he!!. I guess my question at this point is if anyone is in the same boat? Have any of you not been able to feel movement and if so, how are you handling it?

ETA...sorry ladies, I meant to post this on my BMB...but any shared experiences are appreciated too! Stick out tongue

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