3rd Trimester

MW guessed birth weight & date

update from last week's fundal height: the past month or so,, fundal height was consistently measuring at 34 cm. Today it was 36! 2 cms in 1 week! holy crap.

so anyways, we asked my midwife what she thought he was going to weigh at birth and when he'd be born. She manually felt my stomach and said her guess was 8 lbs (she previously had guessed 7.5 lbs a few months ago) at birth and that I'd go 10 days over my due date. AHHHHHH!!!

She's been doing this 20+ years, so she may be accurate... I know you just never know, but wow, I do not want to be 10 days over my due date! 

has anyone had someone accurately predict date/weight?

TTC since May 2012; BFP July 31st, 2012; EDD April 13th, 2013 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker Anniversary
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