3rd Trimester

Labor & Delivery.............so annoyed

I have been having alot of menstrual like cramps and pressure over the past few days, and this morning when I stood up out of bed, I felt a little spurt of liquid, like I had started my period.  I continued to feel little squirts throughout the morning but knew I had an appointment at 1:00.  Once I got there and explained this all to my doctor, she did a test and said she didn't think my water had broken but sent me to labor and delivery just to be sure.

Once I got there, they hooked me up to the monitors and did 2 tests, both of which were negative.  While the resident was checking in with the oncall doctor (who I NEVER saw) they kept me hooked up to the monitors.  All of a sudden 3 nurses and 3 residents came hurrying in.  They didn't say anything to me at first, just started moving the monitors & turning up the volume (was all the way down) and one nurse put a turnicet (sp?) on to draw blood.  Finally they explained to me that the baby's heart rate had dropped below 90 for a minute and a half, even though I wasn't contracting.  The oncall doctor told them to keep me for monitoring for 2 hours.

After that, his heart rate stayed up, but so did my nerves.  This resident with terrible bedside manner came in to discharge me and I asked what could have caused the drop.  She said his cord could have gotten caught on something.  I told her I was worried it would happen again.  She told me it probably would, but I just wouldn't know about it.  She said I should just watch for decreased fetal movement.  This is something I have complained about for the past 2 weeks, and I told her that! She then proceeded to tell me that since I'm so far along he doesn't have as much room (I know this!).  SO, do I call about decreased movement or not??

I was not given any orders to see my dr again.............just to watch for a gush of fluid, bleeding, contractions and decreased movement.  What would you ladies do?  Wait it out or call your OB tomorrow??

IAmPregnant Ticker
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