3rd Trimester

Diastasis recti or similar issues

Anyone else out there having serious abdominal discomfort?

With my first pregnancy, I developed a small umbilical hernia and minor numbness around the hernia (right above my belly button) during pregnancy. I had minor ab muscle separation, but everything felt pretty normal by about six months PP (aside from some looser skin and a small bump where the hernia was).

Fast forward two years to this pregnancy. The numb area on my belly is a lot larger now at 32 weeks, belly feels way too tight already with 8-9 weeks to go, and my stomach is starting to get tender. It hurts to let DS lean against my tummy now. I feel like I'm very slowly being torn open from the inside as the muscles continue to separate.

My MW said to use not only the support belt I've been using, but also one of those belly band things that women wear PP to shrink their bellies down. The combo of the two is apparently what I need. That's going to make going to the bathroom super fun.

Anyone else in this increasingly uncomfortable boat? 

natural m/c 7.1.10 :|: sticky baby 4.25.11 :|: #2 due 5.18.13 BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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