3rd Trimester

breast pump coverage?

How many of you were able to receive full coverage on a breast pump? Im planning on looking into it today and just curious to see what the overall response has been. I have a medela pump from my last pregnancy but I even remembering it starting to lose power last time. I guess it doesn't hurt to see if I can get a brand new one for free. If you were able to receive full coverage, how long did it take you to receive your pump? I know every insurance co is different, just checking to see what you all have experienced. 
my blog
Help me spread Urea Cycle Disorder Awareness!! 2011 DD diagnosed with UCD 2012 started process for IVF with PGD 8/9/12 started stims- 8/20/12 ER- 20 retrieved, 19 ICSI'D, 12 biopsied 5 viable unaffected embryos 8/25/12 ET-1 "awesome" embryo-9/4/12 1st beta- BFP with HPT at 7dp5dt- Beta #1 9/4/12- 210!, Beta #2 9/6/12- 465, First scan on 9/19/12 Baby Boy due 5/13/13- diagnosed with a single umbilical artery
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