3rd Trimester

back pain - belly bandit upsie belly?

The past week I have had terrible back pain in the middle of the right side of my back.  I was not overweight pre-pregnancy and the pain is too high to be caused by kidney stones or galbladder issues, and I haven't gained an excessive amount of weight.  I work out regularly on an eliptical trainer, and I spend much of the day on my feet, and I was even more active before I got pregnant.  The more time I spend on my feet, the worse the pain gets throughout the day.  It used to only start at night so it wasn't an issue, but now it starts in the morning and is pretty much there all day!

Sorry to complain so much, but I'd like to find a non-medicinal solution to this problem - I'm at 29 weeks and I don't think I can take 11 more like this!  I've read that support bands/belts help and has anyone tried the "upsie belly" by belly bandit?  On the one hand it looks great but on the other the price tag mixed with the Kardashian endorsement makes me suspicious.  Thanks in advance!

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