3rd Trimester

Baby Boy Name Help

I've got about 2 months before my baby is due. This is my second child and this time around choosing a name or at least a middle name has been very difficult for me.

As of now I'm about 80% sure of what my son's first name will be. 

I'm torn with a middle name because I feel a little pressure to name my son after my nephew who we  lost in December at about 18 weeks. The request was to give my son my brothers middle name which is Maurice and my husband hates that name, although the deal was for me to choose my sons middle name. 

Here are the names that where suggested that we have narrowed down to?

Cameron Maurice Martin

Cameron Alex Martin

Cameron David Maurice Martin (After my husband and my nephew)

Cameron Myles Martin

Myles David Martin

(the last two are names that my 7 year old and I both like)

Any other suggestions?

Pregnancy Ticker Married: December 19, 2009
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