
Waiting To Adopt - March 25 Check In

This is a check in for anyone in the waiting-to-adopt phase. Lurkers welcome! Whether you're still checking out different agencies and programs or you're bringing your child home tomorrow, this is for you!

*No personal questions this week ladies - sorry! I just got off a night shift and have to go to sleep!

1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? For what age(s)?

2) In what phase of the process are you?

3) Do you have a recent accomplishment or milestone you would like to share?

4) How are you feeling this week?

5) QOTW: Pregnant women have their beautiful rounding bellies to tell the world they are expecting - it's a recognized life role change. We don't have that in adoption. Do you have something, like a talisman, that is your way of telling the world? Example below Smile

Here's mine and DH's: it's a Russian keychain and pendant. His says Father and Mine says Mama. It's our way of wearing our expectant parent status out into the world.


My Blog: Jalara's Chronicles
5 miscarriages of 6 babies, 2 IVF cycles and now we are choosing another path.
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