3rd Trimester

Less than a month to go!

My baby's due date is April 22 : entering week 36! Not much longer to go. She has been SO active today! Bouncing all over my belly. But I love it. Yesterday I was at a gun show just walking leisurely and I had contraction after contraction... It was just BH though bc they would go away when I stopped doing anything. I've been noticing that the more active I am the more BH I have.. I don't like this bc being active is important to me I don't like being a couch potato. But apparently baby says I must be just that... Does this happen to any one else? Idk if she has dropped yet, but I feel a lot more pressure like by my hair line... And I have to pee every half hour it seems like... Some People say you'll KNOW and other people say it's subtle.... So idk what to think! Lol. Oh and belly doesn't look lower. Help? Thank you ladies :
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