
Help! Advice on 3yo waking to use potty

My dd is 3 and has been potty trained for 6+ months without wetting the bed and usually sleeping through the night or waking once to use the potty.  In the last week or so, she has been using the potty as a stalling tactic to go to bed and then waking several times a night ( up to 4 times) Saying she needs to use the potty, but usually doesnt end up going (maybe once a night she actually pees. 

I try and only use a night light and stay right outside the bathroom door or even go back to bed and tell her illmcome back in 2 minutes to wipe and return to bed. Last night was the worst. She woke at least 4 times an was so histerical due to lack of sleep I put her down an hour early for her nap. Before her nap I had her sit on the potty and explained this was her chance to pee or go poopoo because it's nap time. She sat but didn't go and I re-explained she can try again after her nap. After I put her down to nap she started screaming that she had to use the potty and was banging on her door. She threatened to pee on the floor. 10 minutes later I walked in and she had peed on the floor!

 I am thinking of putting her in pull ups during sleep time, although I'm hesitant to regress. If I do this, I'm thinking of telling her she only gets one trip to the potty after gone to bed....? What would you do? Please help! I'm due with baby #2  in 4 weeks.

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