3rd Trimester

PUPPS relief!

Monday night it all started. I started to itch on my ankles. Then it spread to my legs, hips, and arms throughout the week. I wanted to scratch my skin off in hopes of relief! I slept so bad Thursday night that I made an appointment for Friday at my ob/gyn because I didn't want to go into the weekend scratching. 

 She told me I have PUPPS which basically means a rash during pregnancy and only 1 out 200 women get it and its usually FTMs.  Great! I'm a lucky one! lol

 She told me to get everything unscented and try Benadryl.  Well, I needed something during the day so we discussed Claritin. 

Here is what is in my PUPPS stop scratching kit:

Aveeno Oatmeal Bath

Aveeno Oatmeal Body Wash

Eucerin Skin Calming lotion with menthol (didn't put on stomach because menthol freaks me out!)

24 hour Walitin (Walgreen's generic for Claritin)

Benadryl anti itch cream

 I made it through the night without scratching! My arms are still super itchy, but I don't want to cause the red bumps on them like my legs have.

 Hopefully none of you get this horrible itchy rash like me! If you do, try these things! :)

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