3rd Trimester

Fetal Echogenic Bowel? To have amnio or not?

I had an early anatomy scan yesterday and they found that my DD has an echogenic bowel, which means a white colored intestine. I also have partial previa and had some spotting a few weeks back. The Dr. thinks that most likely the baby ingested some blood that was in the amniotic fluid a few weeks ago and b/c she can't yet poop, it is just sitting there.

However, Echogenic Bowl can also be a marker for down syndrome so they suggested an amnio. When I talked to my OB she said she did not recommend an amnio b/c all my other screenings were perfect and I'm under 35, etc. But she said if I'm going to worry, than have the amnio. 

I am seriously struggling with this. I a healthy 4 year old son, then struggled for over a year to get pregnant again. Went thru IVF and sadly lost my twins at 18 weeks. It took me almost a whole year to get pregnant again after that and now, here I am. I want this baby more than anything. I don't want anything to be wrong with my baby but I don't want to risk harming the baby when the odds that there actually is something wrong is slim (1 in 40,000). 

 Has anyone been through this or something similar? 

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