3rd Trimester

Vent - Sick kid at play group

So today DS and I went to our usual play group. I meet a couple friends there. One of my "friends" has a son the same age as DS, and she keeps bringing him to play group when he's sick! There's over 15 other kids in this group! Last time she brought him to group sick was right before the big Christmas party. DS caught the bug, so I did the considerate thing and kept him away from play group while he was sick, which meant we missed out on the Christmas party. And she once again brought a sick toddler to play group today! I've been pumping DS full of fluids and vit C, and praying that DS doesn't get it. And it's not even like she uses good hygeine while she's there. She wipes his snotty nose, and doesn't wash her hands after, and this kid wipes his nose with his hands and puts the toys in his mouth! Risking getting over 15 other kids sick!!! And right before our Easter party!! I wish I could say something to her about this!

Some people are sooo inconsiderate! Now I don't think I should go back to play group until this LO has had their vaccinations :( I HATE how one person ruins it for everybody!!!

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