3rd Trimester


Have any moms taken paxil during pregnancy? I have SEVERE panic disorder, ocd, anxiety. I was on paxil for nearly 10 years and have tried a stream of other drugs. Paxil made me what some may call normal again. I found out I was pregnant in January at nearly 8 weeks and weened off of my medication. At this point I'm a wreck. I have spoken with my obgyn and was given zoloft. It had bad side effects for me. I know the risks of taking paxil while pregnant. I want to not take anything and be a regular happy first time mom but it seems the effects of my anxiety and ocd may be worse for my baby untreated. I'm not looking for anybody to tell me yes its ok. I kbow no drug is safe and paxil is a class d. I was just wondering what some other moms decided and how their precious little ones may have been affected.
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