3rd Trimester

contractions.... how I hate thee

So this week I think DH and I are just running on fumes. So far we've made the rush to the maternity ward twice... and I'm sure we've got more until delivery. Woke up to back contractions which would crawl to the front of my hip bone and feel like menstrual cramps from hell. But all that pain was very frustrating when we found that I had only dilated 1.5 cm Stick out tongue oh and that NB decided that my spine was a lovely place to place all of her weight (aka my nurse said be on the look out for back labor). Having more back and forth this morning which has made me curse the fact that we live in a two story... and that DS had wet the bed this morning. I'm coming with .... creative.... words to say when the contractions are super... fun.

Has anyone else been to their maternity ward lately and saw those flyers encouraging pregnant moms to go the full 40 weeks and not induce? Makes me feel kinda guilty when I go in to be checked, and kinda gives me a sweet but sour feeling when I'm told to go back home and that I'm not in labor.

hopefully this made sense, I'm running on two hours of sleep thanks to a very painful thigh cramp, although with off and on contractions.

IAmPregnant Ticker
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