
Leapfrog Tag, tablet or...?

DD1 needs a new 'toy' to play with after I read her a book for bedtime. She has an iPad but I do not allow her to play with it during bedtime (she'll be on it forever). I was thinking of buying her Leapfrog Tag?

I read online the battery life is short and to buy an adaptor. It kind of seems like a PITA to use the computer to download books which are expensive to purchase.  Vtech Bugsby is no longer produced otherwise I would get that. 

Leapfrog and Vtech each have a tablet, however, I think that may be too close to the iPad.  Thoughts?

Personal reviews on these items or suggestions for another toy to keep her occupied for 15 minutes before falling asleep?  Really, I would like to break this habit but she's going through a lot of adjustments right now. I don't want to rock the boat more.

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