3rd Trimester

Ready for baby to come, and now on bed rest :(

I'm 39 weeks 4 days, and (as I'm sure most of you are) ready for baby to make her debut!  I've been having severe pelvic pain, and when I saw my doctor yesterday, she put me on modified bed rest.  I'm grateful that means I don't have to suffer through work anymore, but now I have way too much time on my hands to wait for labor to start.

 Any ideas on how to move things along, when I can't move all that much?  Walking and sex are out of the picture (I can barely walk from the couch to the bathroom, because of the pain).  I know nothing really works until you're body is ready. I'm 2 cm, 70% effaced, Dr says baby's head is very low (which is causing the pain and possible pelvic tearing), I've lost a pound, and swelling has gone down. I'm hoping all of that means labor will start soon, but I'd love to make it even sooner if I can!

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