3rd Trimester

fundal height

so we all know these aren't 100% accurate and just used as a guide etc etc, I get that....

since the beginning, I've been right on target (25 cm for 25 weeks), then for the past 2 months or so, I've been 1 week behind, and then since 34 weeks, I've been 34 weeks/cm.. even today at 36w 4d, it was 34. I asked if this may mean he's going to be on the small side, or maybe I'm not eating enough - just seems weird that my belly has not grown since 33-34ish weeks. She was not worried and said everything was fine.

I'm 5 feet tall and my H is 5'10'', so I'm kind of hoping baby will be on the smaller side, as far birthing is concerned. 

What do you think about fundal height not really changing?


TTC since May 2012; BFP July 31st, 2012; EDD April 13th, 2013 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker Anniversary
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